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The Future of Bricks-and-Mortar: Creative Output

For my final major project at Nottingham Trent University, I focused on "The Future of Bricks-and-Mortar: Retailing Luxury Fashion Beyond Traditional Shopping Thoroughfares.". The following work creatively concludes the developed research project.


A promise to make a connection, stimulate the senses and provide an inviting environment, store atmospherics heavily contribute to the luxury consumer experience. Research concluded retailers should endeavour to reimagine their physical spaces, outlining the concept of neighbourhood stores, a 3,000 square foot solution leveraging the assets of people, product, and place. Guided by industry-led trends from both WGSN and Drapers, a visual directive has been curated for Selfridges, championing the local over the global.

Selfridges Local: A Creative Output: Text
Selfridges Local: A Creative Output: Pro Gallery

"Sustainability underpins everything we do – it’s been at the heart of our business for the past 15 years. We want to reinvent retail, and our sustainability commitments underpin our ambitions to not only change the way we shop, but how we do business too"

Daniella Vega, Director of Sustainability for Selfridges.

Selfridges Local: A Creative Output: Quote
Selfridges Local: A Creative Output: Text

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